Heirs to Unclaimed Funds

Billions of pounds worth of funds and assets remain unclaimed worldwide because the owners have moved, passed away, cannot be traced or are unresponsive when correspondence is sent to their last known address.

There is a multitude of unclaimed funds and the assets that have been left unclaimed could be, for example:

  • Pensions
  • Life or other Insurance Policies
  • Savings plans
  • Shareholdings
  • Dormant accounts
  • Dividends
  • Client account funds
  • Physical assets, property or items of value

Or any other credit balance from thousands of sources!

Simonne talking to beneficiaries to unclaimed funds
tracing unclaimed assets

How we can help

We offer to recover the assets for beneficiaries who may be unaware of the funds due to them. Often this will be on a no win / no fee basis whereby we are paid a percentage commission on successful recovery of the funds only.

In other situations the asset company or holders have paid us for our services, but this cannot apply to every case we work on as often there is no-one authorised to pay us – hence the commission fee based recovery.


I’m not aware of any unclaimed money due to me – are you sure about this?
When we make contact it is because we have conducted research which has lead us to locate you, therefore, we are as sure as we can be that you are due to receive some money. We will need to verify our work by speaking with you and checking ID of course, but as you may have seen from our TV, press and media coverage – pleasant surprises can and do happen every day!

I think I know what this might be about – but surely it’s not worth your while?
Whilst this is possible, you may be pleasantly surprised – as we are only paid a percentage of the sum we recover for you, why not let us find out? You have nothing to lose!

Where does your work come from?

We have a myriad of sources and referral partners from across the world – remember that the unclaimed fund could come from a deceased relative or an account left behind by someone when they lived abroad. If you want to find out more about your case or how we work, please contact your Case manager.

  • Testimonial: Mrs A from Surrey contacted us having received our letter to inform us she thought she knew about this unclaimed sum and that it was negligible. However, she signed our form and we found out she was due £38,000! She commented “I’m shocked and delighted – and very grateful to you for your work!”

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