Section 27 Trustee Act Notices & Insurance

Protect executors from any potential creditors making a claim on the estate by placing a Section 27 notice in the Gazette and a newspaper local to the deceased's last known address.

Why is it important to place a deceased estate notice?

It is the responsibility of the Personal Representatives to handle any claims from creditors against the deceased’s estate, whilst protecting themselves from any unknown liabilities.

It is recommend that once a Grant of Probate has been issued, a statutory notice is placed in The Gazette and a local newspaper closest to where the deceased owned land or property. Placing these notices will allow time for any potential creditors to come forward within an established notice period, and also provide statutory protection for the estate’s PRs against any personal liability under the Trustee Act 1925.

Finders can place the Section 27 Trustee Act notices in either the London, Edinburgh or Belfast gazette and, if necessary, a local newspaper of your choosing.

Early Distribution Insurance

If the statutory notices are not placed, this could leave the PRs open to claims from potential creditors and consequently become personally liable for any losses.

As an alternative to placing Section 27 Trustee Act notices, Finders can provide insurance offering the same statutory protection to the estate. This allows the PRs to forego the minimum two month and one day notice period and enable earlier distribution of estate funds.

Please enquire directly for an Early Distribution Insurance policy quotation, or download (318 KB) and return the following order form.

Section 27 Trustee Act Notice Cost

for Gazette notice and a local newspaper
£99+VATPlus disbursements
Andrew Ritson

For further information on this service, please contact
Andrew Ritson
Legal Support Services Manager
Call free on 0800 085 8796 (UK only) or +44 20 7490 4935
Email: [email protected]

Section 27 Trustee Act Notices - Order Online