A massive search went underway today (Thursday 18th Feb) for the next-of-kin of two Irish brothers who died within weeks of each other in London, and who potentially may be buried there in paupers’ graves.

The case was referred to our London office by Whittington Hospital in London, requesting we try and trace the next of kin of one of the brothers, Bill.

The sad story follows the lives and death of estranged brothers Bill and John Kelly. The Kelly brothers left Ireland aged 18 and went to live the UK. After living in London the majority of their lives, they sadly became estranged and passed away within a few weeks of each other.

Through some initial research at Finders HQ, we found both their birth certificates and gained vital information on their parents and the address of the family.

The story featured on RTE News – Thu 18 Feb 2016

Meanwhile, an appeal was launched online and Finders International BDM, Padraic Grennan, took to the radio to gain some traction on the case. After a great response and some initial leads, Padraic was able to locate a first cousin of the brothers, Seanie Kelly – The nephew of the brothers’ father, Dennis.

Dennis lived in Dromohane Co. Cork and the twins mother, Catherine Murphy in Banteer, Cork. We made enquiries locally in Dromahane and managed to make contact with Seanie Kelly, who is a first cousin of the two deceased men. He advised that his father Jack was in fact a brother of Dennis, father of Bill and John.

We are now looking for relatives on the Murphy side!

A ‘sad yet uplifting’ story, it’s amazing how people have been donating