The Ashford Regulatory and Compliance service (ARC) has assisted Finders International in becoming the first company of it’s kind to have a Primary Authority Partnership with London’s Hackney Borough Council.

Primary Authorities help local authorities to facilitate regulatory compliance and is a legally recognised partnership with a single local/primary authority. The Primary Authority assist businesses by providing advice on how to meet regulatory obligations which must be respected by other local regulators. This improves consistency and also prevents other authorities from challenging or disputing a business’s actions; whilst also setting out a process for challenging the advice given from a Primary Authority.

Industry Leaders In Probate Research Compliance

Finders International are probate researchers who trace heirs to estates, property and assets around the globe. They have featured prominently on BBC1s ‘Heir Hunters’ and hope that by being designated Primary Authority status they will become compliance leaders in their industry. There is currently no regulation in the heir-tracing industry, so these additional accreditations and partnerships with authorities allow consumers to benefit from improved clarity and to generate trust in an industry where scams are commonplace.

ARC provided support to Finders in liaising with local authorities and risk identification along with providing ‘Friends Against Scams’ training to staff at their London head office. This will help the team at Finders International improve client services and provide additional reassurances.

Danny Curran, Founder and Managing Director at Finders, said that working with the team at Ashford’s had been a pleasure: “Once we understood the implications of a successful partnership, there was no doubt in my mind that we needed to proceed.”

“We work extensively with sometimes elderly beneficiaries and anything we can do to reassure them that we are a genuine company becomes a top priority for me. We have been leading the way in our industry for many years in raising standards and the link to Trading Standards via this partnership will help us draw on an established and effective means of meeting business regulations, allowing us greater confidence in protecting ourselves and our customers.”

Clare Forbes said: “It’s a pleasure to be working with the team at Finders and Hackey Trading Standards on developing this partnership.”

“It can be difficult for businesses to navigate trading standards law and protect themselves against the effects of unscrupulous traders in the industry, but we hope this partnership and Finders’ commitment to compliance and trust will reinforce their good reputation.”

Graham Russell, Chief Executive of the Office for Product Safety and Standards which administers Primary Authority, said: “Through Primary Authority, the Government is giving every business – and every person who wants to start a business – access to reliable, tailored regulatory advice.”