Founder of the award-winning firm Finders International, Danny Curran featured in the Express discussing how to find lost inheritance and looked back on some of their successful stories.

One example is that of an 82-year old man who passed away in East Anglia. While it was first believed he had an estate of £5,000, the team at Finders discovered that the gentleman had won a syndicate lottery and had £140,000 in a separate bank account.

As the gentleman had died intestate, meaning without a Will, Finders International traced his family tree and located two grandchildren from an estranged daughter. The money was equally shared and they have used the windfall for home improvements and a honeymoon in Las Vegas.

In the article, Danny notes that if you suspect you could be due an intestate inheritance, that you should visit the Bona Vacantia list. This list is published by the government and includes all the unclaimed estates.

Alternatively, you can contact a firm like Finders International if you think you are due an inheritance as the team will often review cases free of charge.

If you are contacted by an heir hunting firm, make sure to check they are reputable, genuine and that they are a part of a regulatory body, like the International Association of Probate Researchers, Paralegals and Heir Hunters (IAPPR).

You can read the full Express article here.

Finders International trace missing beneficiaries to estates, properties and assets.  To see a full list of our services, please visit our website.  Alternatively, you can contact us via telephone +44(0) 20 7490 4935 or email [email protected]