AN appeal has been launched to help trace the rightful owner of a bible discovered in a Redcar home.

The family history inscribed in the large bible, which dates back to the 1800s, reads: “This belongs to a John Mawston and Margaret Froud who married on May 10, 1865 in County Durham.”

The person who found the bible, who does not want to be named, has tried to trace the family but without success. It has now been passed to professional probate genealogists, Finders International.

Through preliminary research, the company has discovered that John and Margaret were both from farming families. They had six children between 1865 and 1878: Mary-Ann, George, Thomas, Isabel, Margaret and Elizabeth.

Family bibles, which were common in the Victorian period, were handed down through a family, with each generation recording information about the family’s history inside it, such as births, deaths, baptisms, confirmations and marriages.

Anyone with any information should email: [email protected]

Source material: The Northern Echo

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