This is Money spoke to seven businesses to gauge their opinion of Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s economic update, and one of them was Danny Curran, Managing Director of Finders International.

In the article, Danny said he felt positive about the Kickstart Scheme but he would be looking closely at the fine print. He said: “As a firm which has always encouraged recruitment of young people, the Kickstart Scheme will allow us to hire more younger members of staff, with less trepidation.

“However, contractual commitments will need to be honoured so we will be looking closely at the finer criteria for the grant.

“Equally, as a firm which handles a significant number of pro-bono cases each year, we welcome VAT lowering for food.

“Many older people who die intestate, for whom we act, have died linked to issues around poverty so we hope this will make a difference for the weekly shop – especially for those most vulnerable.”

To read the full article, you can click here.