…Finders, the professional beneficiary hunters, have just announced the results of their 2007 client satisfaction surveys. Once again, every single respondent has rated the Finders’ service as ‘good’, ‘very good’, or ‘excellent’. This result repeats the success of the 2006 surveys, which also revealed a 100% positive rating.

It’s not hard to see why clients feel so good about working with Finders. A quick glance at the testimonials page on the Finders UK website (www.findersuk.com) shows the strength of feeling. The long list of positive comments is split roughly half-and-half between solicitors and beneficiaries. Their feedback is peppered with phrases such as ‘prompt and impressive’, ‘first-rate’, ‘most excellent and professional’, ‘I don’t know how to thank you enough’, and ‘priceless’.Beneficiaries also comment on the detail of the supporting information: “I really did not expect anything so comprehensive” and “thank you so much for the unbelievable family tree”.

Solicitors, on the other hand, tend to be more business-like. Their expectations are high because they’re used to dealing with fellow professionals within the legal services. Nevertheless, Finders still manage to take them by surprise. When solicitors write that “you were highly recommended to us and it was justified!”, “we were very pleased…it was especially useful that you kept us up-to-date with progress”, and “we are…impressed by the speed and efficiency of service”, it’s clear they have experienced exceptional service.

Finders also search for missing wills, provide missing beneficiary indemnity insurance (acting as agents for Aviva (formerly Norwich Union) and regulated by the Financial Services Authority); and find other missing documents.

To find out more, or to start a search for a missing will or heir, visit www.findersuk.com

Daniel Curran
Written by Daniel Curran
Daniel is a leading figure in the UK Heir Hunting industry. He is from Isleworth in West London and has lived in London for most of his life. He has been in the probate genealogy profession since 1990. He formed Finders in 1997 after 7 years at another firm.