Simon Crooks from Boys & Maughan Solicitors in Canterbury explains: “This may come as a shock, not least because I am solicitor, but it can be OK to write your own Will as long as you do it properly.”

“And there’s the catch. How do you know if the Will you’re writing is right for you? Arguably the most valuable part of Will writing is not the document at the end. Instead it is the surrounding advice we provide and the opportunity for you to consider your circumstances in detail.

“Will you save money writing your own Will? Maybe, maybe not. You may never know of course.

“Will writing services come in all shapes and forms. Make sure you’re getting the advice you need, preferably in writing too.

“My approach is to have an initial no obligation chat so I can find out more about you and give you more information, such as whether a standard Will is appropriate for your circumstances, and a fixed fee quote. We’ll then have a full meeting in person or by phone to flesh out what you want to do and provide further advice.

“We’ll not rush things, nor are we limited by an inhuman questionnaire. You’ll get a report detailing the advice and information given in the meeting and a draft to review. Nothing is carved in stone so you can tweak and amend until you’re happy.

“We also offer free secure storage of your Will and free initial advice for your executors.

“Will writing is so much more than document production. Have a chat with me first for your peace of mind.”

  • For further information call Simon Crooks on 01227 207000 or email him at [email protected]