Finders International will be hosting its second free Deputyship Development Day next month – a free event that brings together the private and public sectors to their mutual benefit.

The first event, which took place in London in September attracted more than 90 attendees from local authorities, specialist solicitors, Court of Protection Panel members and others. The aim was to provide free information, discussion and advice for council employees while giving valuable insights into connected services.

The Court of Protection makes a Deputyship Order by appointing a deputy to make decisions about someone’s welfare or property and financial affairs if that person loses the mental capacity to make such decisions. It differs from a Lasting Power of Attorney, where someone appoints a person to act on their behalf while they still have mental capacity.

Councils usually apply for Deputyship Orders as a last case scenario where there is no-one else willing or able when someone is in local authority care, and it’s in the client’s best interests. The process can be expensive and time-consuming. Deputyship Orders can take three to four months for the court to make.

Because the first event was so successful and well-received, Finders is now organising a series of regional events. The first of these will take place on 23 November at Taunton Rugby Club in Somerset. The Deputyship Day is open to all local authorities carrying out Deputyship/Appointeeship functions and is free. The event is also open to local solicitors who undertake Deputyships on a regular basis.

Finders has worked with the public sector for more than 15 years, and this area has significantly increased in recent times. The Deputyship Days are the brainchild of Finders International’s David Lockwood, a public sector specialist.

David said: “We want to bring together public and private sector employees in an environment where it is easy to network and find out what each other does. When it comes to vulnerable people, it is often in the client’s best interests for a local authority to work with solicitors in cases that are not straightforward. This can include ones that need specialist legal advice that a council’s legal department can’t provide because they do not have the resources or experience to do so.

Local authorities have stringent standards they must follow. By working closely with the private sector, they can prove that they have complied with these rules and worked in the person’s best interests. Our event will include experts on the Court of Protection procedures who will be on hand to discuss how the court works, and there will be an opportunity at the end of the day for delegates to ask questions. It’s all about bringing the two worlds together so that vulnerable people get the best service.”

You can enrol for the second Deputyship Development Day here. Registration is at 9am, and the day will start at 10am.