On the 14th September 2017, Finders International held its first Deputyship Development Day event at the Holiday Inn, Regents Park, London. The free event was an outstanding success with over 90 attendees from both the public and private sectors.

This included Local Authority teams, specialist solicitors, Court of Protection Panel members and others. The aim was to provide free education, discussion and advice to hard pressed council employees whilst giving valuable insights to a range of connected services.

The event was the creation of David Lockwood, a public sector specialist at Finders International. He says “Our aim was to bring the public and private sector together in an environment where they could talk and understand what eachother do, and building those links between the two. As well as understand what the various roles are and how they complement eachother. We managed to pull together varied speakers that related to both sectors and increase mutual understanding, as well as give them crucial knowledge to empower them in their work.

The event contained information directly relevant to deputy’s, court of protection and others involved in the somewhat niche safeguarding area, and our feedback following the event has been very positive. Everyone enjoyed the conference and greatly appreciated that the questions and topics were very relevant to them.”

This event will now be rolled out across the UK and the next confirmed Deputyship Development Day is on the 23rd November at Taunton Rugby Club.

Delegate Feedback

“On days like today I get to meet with other councils for a little bit of verification about what about processes are, what their processes are – learning more about how I could do things a little bit better.” Public Authority Employee

“The feedback I’ve had since doing the talk is that its given everybody something to think about and to approach the court to see if they can make claims.“ Paul Cruickshanks, Court of Protection Costs Manager

“Today has been very Informative…lots of information I wouldn’t have got anywhere else…doing our job is quite unusual, quite specialist, so it’s rare to other people who do the same job as you do” Public Authority Employee

“First and foremost the networking…we can meet people from local authorities we might not have liaised with previously” Michael Culver, Partner at Bolt Burdon Solicitors