Across this week, Finders have taken it upon themselves to not only reflect on mental health, but to aid in furthering awareness of the fundamental topic across social media platforms.

Before COVID-19, The Mental Health Foundation planned this annual event to emphasis the value of sleep and the positive benefits a healthy sleep cycle plays on an individual‘s wellbeing. Following the outbreak and the significant impact had on all our lives and, in particular the way we interact with others, the theme of the week was adjusted to that of kindness.

#KindnessMatters #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek #MHAW

The change in topic has been a relevant, appropriate decision. It is important to not underestimate the value in acts of kindness, which is more significant and prevalent now than ever before.

To read further into mental health and the goals supporting prevention, click through to the Mental Health Foundation Website.

To support the cause, we asked our team to share their stories where they have carried out acts of kindness whilst working from home in lockdown. We have collected the acts, which we have shared via social media (@findersprobate), to showcase our pride in the Finders team.


Acts of Kindness from Finders

Dave Lockwood is part of a community online which rallied together to wish an elderly man ‘Happy Birthday’ The whole group sent him birthday cards to make his 80th birthday in lockdown a special one.

Olivia Empson regularly helps her elderly neighbour take her shopping bags up the flights of stairs in their building. She posted a letter through the lady’s door offering to chat if she ever wanted to. They are now due to have a cuppa and a chat later this week!

Kirsty O’Brien has been food shopping for her 91 year old neighbour as his family have not been able to visit him to help during lockdown. She further utilises her days off to help him out when she can.

Jenny Carroll has been volunteering at foodbanks and delivering food parcels on behalf of the foodbank to vulnerable individuals in her local community.

Louise Levene has been shopping for her vulnerable neighbours. She also communicates with isolated locals, encouraging them to exchange gardening and growing advice to get everyone talking during lockdown.

Elaine has been sending out ‘thinking of you’ cards to those she knows who are shielding during the pandemic – it is important keeping connected with those who are currently disconnected during lockdown.

There has been much talk around the extent to which our long-term behaviours and attitudes may change after COVID-19 has passed. To reflect on the importance of the week, it is fundamental to expand our consciousness around issues such as stress and anxiety, and most relevant now, the impacts of helplessness and loneliness on mental health during lockdown.

Another point of reflective realisation for our team has come from the positive influence kind acts have on their individual mental health, realising the personal benefits a small gesture or act of kindness can have on our own wellbeing and self-image. It is an infectious sensation which all who have shared their stories, unilaterally agree with.

The Week however cannot stand alone as a short spell in which we think about these matters and then quickly forget. Finders International places tremendous value in withstanding the goals and effects that this week has for society. As a company, we will continue to consider impacts and aids in mental health, both internally and externally and our staff will continue as always, to support and conduct their acts of kindness in the community when possible.

Finders International is an award-winning probate research firm.  Our regulations and credentials include the IAPPR, Friends Against Scams, we are approved APSE partners and are the first probate research firm to be approved by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI).  For a full list of our credentials, and our services please visit our website here.  Alternatively, you can call +44(0) 20 7490 4935 or email [email protected]

Additional resources:

Rehab 4 addiction provides a service to rehabilitation centres and outpatient clinics offering advice for people who suffer from alcohol, drug and behavioural addictions.

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