A UK heir hunting firm will be affirming its commitment to global reach later this year, thanks to a unique networking opportunity in the US.

Finders International, one of the best known probate genealogy (or “heir hunting”) firms will be the only firm of its kind to attend the inaugural Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP)  Global Congress event in Miami, 6-7 November 2014.

The aim of the event is to bring together the world’s leading figures in family inheritance and succession planning and to allow attendees to update themselves on new developments and technical advancements. Speakers include experts in their field from the UK, the US, Canada, Hong Kong and France.

Geoffrey Robertson QC is one of the key speakers at the event, and his talk will address privacy and human rights, looking at what justification there is, if any, for the leaks of government secrets by the likes of Julian Assange and Edward Snowden.

Finders has a global reach – which is often necessary in the search for the next of kin when a person dies intestate, and families have spread far and wide. Attendance at the STEP Congress event means the company will be able to network with many international organisations, and let those organisations know first-hand about its work and the ways in which Finders can in turn support their businesses.

Established by the current managing director Daniel Curran, Finders has been providing expert probate genealogy services since 1997. Finders offers a wide range of services – from tracing missing heirs or next of kin, to family tree verification, missing will and asset searches, statutory will research, bankruptcy searches and estate distribution schedule preparation. The firm’s success rate is close to 100%, and it works according to a published professional code of conduct.

The work of the firm has been featured on the popular BBC1 day-time programme Heir Hunters, where case managers have researched and found missing beneficiaries to an inheritance when someone has died intestate.

Finders case managers have located heirs all over the world, and reunited many family members who had lost touch or were not aware of each other’s existence.

Daniel Curran, Finders UK’s founder and managing director, commented: “The inaugural STEP Congress is a huge event – and it will be enormously beneficial to attend. Finders has encountered a growing demand in international enquiries, which has steadily increased over time.

“Our growth in the UK has reached a point where an international presence on a more formal footing is needed, as these days we truly have a global reach, and a real commitment to worldwide research.

“The world is already becoming a smaller place, but globalisation also requires much more attention to detail when it comes to research, more thorough skills and better contacts world-wide so we can trace people wherever they may now be. And that’s why we see attendance at the STEP event as crucial if we are to continue to provide expert probate genealogy services.”

The STEP inaugural Global Congress takes place in Miami at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, 6-7 November 2014.

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Daniel Curran
Written by Daniel Curran
Daniel is a leading figure in the UK Heir Hunting industry. He is from Isleworth in West London and has lived in London for most of his life. He has been in the probate genealogy profession since 1990. He formed Finders in 1997 after 7 years at another firm.