One of the services Finders International offers its professional service clients is fast and efficient probate property sales and services for any properties in the UK and Ireland.

Quick sales make it easier for estates to be correctly evaluated and distributed. We can also arrange for the contents within a house or flat to be valued.

The key features of our probate property sales and services are:

  • Organising local estate agent sales through a single point of contact, saving your company time and money.
  • Online or physical auctions for super-quick sales and a proactive consideration to increasing a property value before the sale.

Cash buyers

If it suits your clients, we also have a list of approved cash buyers, which can also speed up the process.

The initial market assessment and valuation reports of the property are free of charge, and our services include measures to keep the property safe. We’ll give you immediate empty property insurance and have the locks changed if necessary. Alarm fitting is standard too, and we’ll sort out property clearance, including bio-hazards.

This service is available 24/7.

Dinky toy cars

Danny Curran, founder and managing director of Finders International, says: “Some years ago, we worked on a case where the contents of the house included hundreds of Dinky model cars—some of them in their original packaging, and the subsequent sale added thousands of pounds to the estate. Needless to say, the beneficiaries were delighted.

“We often work on cases where the deceased person’s house is jam-packed with goods and chattels. It can be difficult for relatives or solicitors to know where to begin when it comes to clearing the place out ready for it to be sold, but we work with some of the best house clearance services in the country, and their services include valuations of what they find. What can look like a lot of unnecessary clutter could turn out to be very valuable and add considerable amounts to an estate.

“Our services offer complete transparency of processes to ensure full compliance and to the satisfaction of administrators, executors and beneficiaries.”

If you would like to refer a property for prompt disposal or order an initial valuation, please email [email protected] or contact us on +44 (0)20 7490 4935, freephone (UK only) 0800 085 8796.