Finders International offers a whole range of services for the public sector and professionals such as lawyers, corporate state trustees, banks, charities, professional estate administrators and more.

When it comes to probate, we know that fast and effective sales are crucial when it comes to moving an estate along. Finders can arrange fast and efficient property sales and services for you, and we can cover sales across the UK and Ireland.

The key features of this service are considerable. Auction or agent sales often result in prices above the market value, which maximises the value for the estate and can be completed within 48 hours when using an auction.

We’ll provide you with an initial market assessment or valuation reports free to charge and we’ll work with you to consider how the estate’s value can be increased prior to the sale. In addition, we can also provide empty property insurance, a lock changing service or the fitting of alarms and a property clearance service (which includes bio hazards).

The average sale time is just 12 weeks.

As you might imagine because we have worked in this field for such a long time we are skilled at accurately identifying items of potential value. One such recent case we dealt with was that of Richard Lay, who died in August 2013 without leaving a will.

Finders investigated the case and sent a specialist house clearance firm to his property to clean it up ready for sale. The firm discovered a huge passion for cars and vehicles when they began their clear-up – including a collection of original Dinky model cars still in their packaging.

First created in 1934 by Meccano Ltd and made until the 1970s, Dinky model die-cast cars and vehicles are collectors’ items – and models in their original packaging can fetch high prices at auctions. Individual models have sold for more than £19,000.

Finders arranged for the collection to be sold off at auction so its value could be added to Richard’s estate and the collection was eventually sold for about £6,500, which gave his entire estate a final value of approximately £300,000.

Richard’s estate was eventually divided up amongst cousins on his father’s side, and the case was one of those featured on the last series of Heir Hunters.

Our service is completely transparent to ensure full compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements and we work to ensure that administrators, executors and beneficiaries are satisfied.

If you would like to refer a property for prompt disposal or to order an initial valuation, please contact us via:

call us on 020 7490 4935
Email us now
