Finders held the latest of their highly popular Deputyship Development Days in London on the 26th September.

Attendees from across the country gathered to hear presentations on subjects that really matter to all those who manage finances under the Court of Protection.

Headline speaker and former head judge at the Court of Protection, Denzil Lush, addressed the conference about Statutory Wills, whilst speakers from Irwin Mitchell and Wilsons solicitors spoke about depravation of liberty standards and testamentary capacity. Delegates also listened intensely to a presentation about investments and the possible effects of Brexit upon them.

David Lockwood, former local authority deputy and Finders Public Sector Development Manager said that he was delighted with the event and “the response from delegates has been entirely positive and how empowered they felt”.

Finders has its next event in York on the 1st November where subjects such as hoarding, safeguarding and investing client’s money will be covered.