How did you get into probate genealogy?

I was introduced to probate genealogy by my good friend and work colleague Maeve Mullin and I was bitten by the research bug fairly quickly!

What does a normal day look like for you?

I spend most of my time speaking to or emailing Solicitors about troublesome probate cases and I review the details before providing a Quote for research.  I attend events where we get the opportunity to meet Solicitors and chat about how we can assist them.

What is your most memorable case to date?

There are so many!  I love the case that Hayley worked on where one of the beneficiaries wasn’t sure how many times she had been married, Hayley was able to tell the beneficiary that she had been married 6 times!

What do you love most about working at Finders?

I love the people I work with, we have a great team in Ireland and in the UK offices. I LOVE research and regularly forget to stop working.

Away from genealogy, if you could do any other job in the world, what would you do and why?

I would love to be a Travel writer, as I love to visit different countries and learn about other cultures however, I’m not a very good writer!