The Croydon Advertiser launches an appeal for heirs to contact Finders International who are looking for the heirs of an elderly man who died in Thornton Heath in 2013. Eric Fraser died aged 81 at his home in Lakehall Road in July 2013, leaving no obvious relatives to claim his estate. Finders International, whose exploits are featured in Heir Hunters, has now launched an appeal to anyone who might have any information on what they call a “trick y” case. The case was referred to them by Croydon Council after and the company has struggled to track down any recent information on Mr Fraser. He was born Eric Philip Friesenhausen in London on December 12 1931 and his family appeared to change between Friesenhausen, Fraser and Frazer.


He was born illegitimately and it is believed his mother died without marrying. His mother had three siblings, Joseph Francis H Friesenhausen, Florence M A Friesenhausen and William James Friesenhausen.

Florence died as an infant in 1915, Joseph died in 1966, and William in 1987. Marriage indexes were searched but no obvious record could be located for Joseph, also known by the surname Frazer, or William, who went by the different spelling of Fraser.

Mr Fraser’s grandparents appear to have married just the once and therefore it is believed no half-blood relatives exist either.

  • The search for his heir continues. If you have any information about Mr Fraser, contact Finders International on 020 7490 4935.