Michael P O’Hanlon was one of three siblings, the children of Phyllis Veronica Hilton, who were all sent to live in foster homes at an early age, subsequently losing touch with each other.
The oldest of the three, Marie, traced her younger sister Phyllis but they did not stay in touch and Phyllis passed on in 2009, a year after Michael who died in Southampton in 2008.
When Finders International took on the case of tracing Marie Hilton, it was believed she was the only beneficiary eligible to claim her brother Michael’s estate. After extensive research by Finders International’s Dublin office, Marie was traced to Ireland.

With the surprise news of inheriting an undisclosed sum from her long lost brother, Marie has decided to stay away from the spotlight.

“We have found Marie Hilton and are checking to see if she is entitled,” commented Padraic Grennan from Finders International, “She is very private and doesn’t want any more media coverage.”

As in so many inheritance cases, where there is a missing beneficiary there is an international element to the search. With offices in Dublin, Edinburgh and London and an extensive international network, Finders International is able to trace missing heirs wherever they may be.
