Sport Relief raises money for the most vulnerable in society both here in the UK as well as around the World, and here at Finders we recognise the opportunity to do our part and raise some money and have a little bit of fun while doing it.

Sixteen of our staff will be swapping family trees for penalties this week in the Finders Sport Relief Shoot-out 2016, with much more than bragging rights on offer. The winner of the knock-out competition will collect a trophy and a Sport Relief t-shirt as they are crowned champions.

The office collectively will be getting in the spirit of the day, with a sports-themed fancy dress completed with a post shootout quiz. Most importantly, the day has helped to raise in excess of massively overshooting the initial target of £100. We thank all the Finders staff for their tremendous support and generosity in raising money for this fantastically worthy cause. Go Team Finders!