The holiday company Jet2 found itself in a PR pickle this week when it was revealed the company had demanded the family of a 38-year-old who died suddenly appoint an executor to her estate if they wanted the holiday that she had paid for in advance to be refunded.

Sharlene Bockross from Leicester died suddenly from a heart attack just after Christmas, leaving behind her 15-year-old son, Tyler, the Leicester Mercury reports. Ms Bockroos did not have much money or assets, and her bank accounts and pension have already been passed on to her family.

However, Sharlene had paid £815 to Jet2 for a proposed holiday to the Greek island of Kos, where she had planned to take Tyler to celebrate his 16th birthday.

Company demands family go through probate

The company demanded the family go through probate and appoint an executor to Sharlene’s estate if they wanted to get the money back. A solicitor has advised the family that going through probate will cost them £500.

It is normal for larger estates where there is a lot of property or other assets to go through probate, but not usually for those of smaller value, such as Ms Bockross.

Karen Gaze, Sharlene’s mum, said her daughter had died suddenly of a cardiac arrest and the unexpected death had devastated the family, who later learned she had a heart condition she hadn’t been aware of.

Forward planner

Her daughter, Sharlene’s mum added, had always been a forward planner and would pay bits towards her holiday every month, so that it she could pay for it in advance, and she had paid £815 of the £1,200 due.

There had been nothing in payment plan to suggest it would be so hard to get a refund.

The money, Ms Gaze said, was intended for her grandson Tyler. She had sent the company her daughter’s death certificate and her birth certificate proving she was her mum, but the company say they will only send the money to the executors of Sharlene’s estate.

She said that if she had lied—phoned up pretending to be her daughter and asking for a refund, she have received the money in full.

Jet2 confirmed that the company would not make an exception. As the account used to make the original booking had been closed, that account couldn’t be refunded, and as such they had asked Ms Gaze to provide documentation that proved she was the executor of her daughter’s estate.

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