As part of our commitment to sustainability and the environment, this year we’re launching the ‘Finders International Spring Challenge’ to work towards our environmental ISO14001, raise awareness and implement further ways of reducing our impact on the environment. Finders have held the ISO14001 certification for a number of years, and are proud to be the only firm in the Probate Genealogy field to have been awarded this certification.

The five-week campaign will run from the 20 March to 23 April, and each week will feature a theme, where we ask all our staff members to complete at least one challenge. The themes are energy, nature, food, technology and fashion and we’ve come up with ideas for how staff can participate, though we’re also encouraging people to create their own.

The staff member who completes the most challenges will win a prize.

Conserving energy

For week 1, themed around energy, we’re looking at ways in which we can conserve energy in the office and at home. For example, Saturday 25 March 8.30-9.30pm is Earth Hour, a global initiative which asks people to commit to turning off their lights at home.

We’re also asking people to turn off monitors and computers at the plug when they finish work for the day, and to avoid using standby settings on electrical equipment.

For week 3, themed around food, we will be hosting a Bake Day at our Vestry Street in London office. People can contribute their home-made (and otherwise) offerings and all proceeds for the day will be donated to our chosen charities, Friends of the Earth and Child Bereavement.

Meat-free meals

Another idea for the food-themed week is to go meat-free. How does not eating meat benefit the environment?

It reduces greenhouse gas emissions, as livestock farming is responsible for a significant amount of these, mainly methane and nitrous oxide. By reducing meat consumption reduces the demand for meat, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Not eating meat also helps reduce deforestation. The expansion of livestock farming has contributed to deforestation in many parts of the world because trees are often cleared to make way for grazing land or to grow crops for animal feed. Deforestation can lead to a loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, and climate change.

Reduced waste

Reduced water usage is another advantage of reducing meat consumption, as livestock farming is water intensive, requiring significant amounts of water to grow animal feed crops and keeping animals hydrated. There is also the waste and pollution harms, as livestock farming contributes significant amounts of manure, fertiliser run-off and antibiotics.

We’ll be sharing out progress and tips on our social media channels. Why not join in and tag us, #findersspringchallenge #environment

If you would like to contact the team regarding the Spring Challenge, email [email protected]. For any case related work or queries regarding finding missing heirs and assets, contact us on [email protected] or visit our services page for further information.